The Mental Trial

On Trial

One day I remember waking up and my mind was shackled to my bed. I didn’t want to move or face the day. And it was at that point that I realized that my brain was being arrested! My mental health was on trial and the court of the common people would surely lead my brain directly to that prison called depression. I

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Blake TheBrain Comments
A Change Going Come

It was at that moment when I "smiled", and it was at a place where most would crumble, become depressed or even quit and give up on life's battle. It was 'Rock Bottom'! Yes! How could I be smiling at a time like this you ask?

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Blake TheBrainComment
Fight The Power... TOGETHER!

Hey World! I know it's a lot going on with deaths of Alton Sterlin, Philando Castile, and Dallas as well! I know it's an uproar in the Black community, But I went to Christiana Mall and interviewed random people of other races, ethnicities, cultures, etc, to see what they felt about the situation! 

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